Chad S. – Black Bear
Record Stats
Black Bear
Hunter: Chad S.
Gross Scoring Size: 216 lbs
Continent: North America
Date Harvested: 09/21/2018
Submission Date: 12/13/2022
Brand/Make: Airforce Airguns
Model: Texan 457 caliber
Category: Air Rifle
Hunt Details
I took this black bear in Maine on the last day of my 6 day hunt shot him with a 350g hp from Mr Hollowpoint it was a complete pass thru at 25 yards and the bear ran about 60 yards before expiring. The bear had been tagged and released earlier that summer. When we checked the bear in I had to call the number on the ear tag, I then learned that I was the first hunter to take a bear with an airgun in the state of Maine. The video of this hunt is available on our Lethal Air YouTube channel