Listen to first-hand accounts of big game with air guns from all over world
Airgun Hunting Legion is proud to introduce the AHL VideoCast. Host Jason Reid sits down with people from all walks of the outdoor industry and the airgunning community to tell their stories and learn secrets in this socially-distant video podcast format. In this episode, big game hunter Steve Scott talks with AHL on hunting dangerous game all over the world with air rifles.
“Making an impact in the community with this new platform has been made possible by telling the stories of leaders in the airgunning community and the industry as a whole,” says Reid. “We want to take an authentic approach to building relationships for the Airgun Hunting Legion platform. Steve has incredible stories about hunting big game with air rifles that everyone needs to hear.”
Scott talks about the realities of hunting large and often dangerous game animals such as the cape buffalo in africa with big-bore air rifles. Scott details several experiences you won’t want to miss.
Watch the Full Episode .